Nasour Bagheri

In the name of God


Curriculum Vitae

Nasour Bagheri

Home Address:

Kol Kol village,

Asman abad

Ilam, Iran

School Address:

Iran University of Science and Technology

Narmak, Tehran, Iran





  • Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2004-Present)

    PhD., Electronic Engineering, GPA: 17/20 (Up to now)

    Present Research Field: “Hash function, Cryptanalysis, Crypto. Primitives Designing”

    Supervisor: Dr. Majid Naderi

    Advisor: Dr. Babak Sadeghiyan

  • Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2000-2002)

    MSc., Electronic Engineering, GPA: 16.78/20

    M.S Thesis: “Design and implementation of a new block cipher”,

    Supervisor: Dr. Majid Naderi

    Advisor: Dr. Mohsen Sharifi

  • Mazandaran University, Babol, Iran (1996-2000)

    B.Sc., Electronic Engineering, GPA: 15.2/20

    Senior Project : " Design a microcontroller based PLC system ",

    Supervisor: Professor Mohsen Soryani

    Research Interests :

    Ø Cryptography ( symmetric crypto primitive)

    o Hash function cryptanalysis

    o Block cipher

    o Stream cipher

    o RFID systems

    Ø Digital systems

    o Digital designing (Microprocessor, Microcontroller,… )

    o Hardware implementation (DSP, FPGA)

    o Side channels analysis

    o Embedded systems

    Ø Computer security


    · Journal Publication

    1. N.Bagheri, M.Henricksen, L.R.Knudsen, M.Naderi, and B.Sadeghiyan “Cryptanalysis of an Iterated Halving Based Hash Function: CRUSH” accepted to appear at IET Information Security.

    2. N.Bagheri, L.R.Knudsen, M.Naderi, and S.S.Thomsen “Hash functions and information theoretic security” accepted to appear at IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences(Vol.E92-A,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2009)

    · Conferences Publication

    1. N.Bagheri, S.H.R Adeli,” Design an 8051 microcontroller series based PLC system”, 3rd National Iranian EE students conference, Iran, Tehran, 2000, (in Persian).
    2. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi,” Web Based Education”, 1st national conference in engineering development in Education, Iran, Tehran,2002,( in Persian).
    3. Falahati, Aboifazl; Bagheri, Nasoor; Naderi, Majid; Mohajeri, Javad “ A new distinguish attack against ABC stream cipher ”, The 9th international conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Korea, 2007.
    4. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi,” New enhancement to MDx Hash Function class by linear error correction codes”, ISCC 2007.
    5. N.Bagheri, J.Mohajeri, M.Salmasizadeh,” Differential cryptanalysis of AMIN-1 block cipher ISCC 2007, Tehran, Iran.
    6. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan, M.Safkhani “Cryptanlysis of AHS-AES Hash Structure” 13th CSICC 2008, Kish, Iran,( in Persian).
    7. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan “Multi-collisions in Ring Hash Structure” SECRYPT 2008, Porto, Portugal.
    8. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan, M.Safkhani “Cryptanlysis of L-Pipe Hash Structure” 17th ICEE 2009, Tehran, Iran.
    9. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan “A Model for Designing Compression”17th ICEE 2009, Tehran, Iran (In Pesian).
    10. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan “Multi-collisions in Zipper-Hash Structure” Tenth International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications (ISCTA) 2009, Ambleside, Lake District, UK.

    · Technical Reports and thesis

    1. N.Bagheri, M.Naderi, B.Sadeghiyan “Cryptanlysis of CRUSH Hash Structure” Available on IACR cryptography ePrint archive, 2008.
    2. N.Bagheri, J.Mohajeri, ” ECRYPT stream cipher primitives analysis and classification”, technical report, ERC, Sharif University of Technology, 2005.
    3. N.Bagheri, S.H.R Adeli,” Design a microcontroller based PLC system”, Mazandaran University, BS. thesis, 2000, (in Persian).
    4. N.Bagheri, S M.Naderi,” Design and implementation of new block cipher”, Iran University of Science and Technology, MSc. thesis, 2002, (in Persian).

  • Talks
    1. On the Indifferentiability of Hash Functions”, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, , Denmark, December 2008 .
    2. Indifferentiability of Hash Functions with Free-IV”, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, February 2009 .


    Ø Professor M. Naderi, Head of Secure Communication Group of Electrical Engineering Dept., Iran University of Science and Technology,

    Ø Professor B. Sadeghiyan, professor of Computer Engineering Dept., Amir Kabir University of Technology,

    Ø Mr. M.Mohajeri, Member of electronic research center of Sharif University of Technology,

    Ø Professor M. Soryani, professor of Computer Engineering Dept., Iran University of Science and,

    Ø Professor Lars R. Knudsen, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark,

    Ø Dr Praveen Gauravaram, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark,

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