
1-Faculty Profile

Family Name: Mosavi

First Name: Seyed Mohammad Reza

Title: Associate Professor

Contact Information:

Tel: 77240492 Fax: 77240490 URL:

Email : M_Mosavi(At)iust.ac.ir

2- Higher Education

1 . B.S : 1997 , Electronic Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (First Rank, Honors).

2 . M.S: 1998 , Electronic Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (First Rank, Honors).

3 . Ph.D: 2004 , Electronic Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (First Rank, Honors).

3- Expertise

Research areas:

1 . Global Navigation Satellite Systems

2 . Advanced Artificial Intelligent Systems

3 . Design of Systems based on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

4 . Advanced Computers Architecture

5 . Digital Signals Processing

6 . Sensors

4- Taught Courses


1 . Electric Circuits

2 . Basis of Electrical Engineering

3 . Electronic Circuits

4 . Machine Languages and Assembly

5 . Logic Circuits Design

6 . Computer Systems Architecture

7 . Microprocessor I

8 . Basis of Microcontrollers


1 . Evolutionary Algorithms

2 . Neural Networks

3 . Microprocessor II

4 . Advanced Computer Systems Architecture

5. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits 

5- Research and Industrial Projects

1 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Design and Implementation of a Precise Positioning using Low Cost GPS Receivers ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2004 .

2 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Prediction of DGPS Corrections using Neural Networks based on Wavelet”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2005 .

3 . M. R. Mosavi, “Accurate and On-Line Estimation of Single-Frequency GPS Receivers Positioning Errors using Parallel-Structure Neural Networks ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2006 .

4 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Design and Implementation of an Accurate Timing Sensor based on Single-Frequency GPS Receivers ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2006 .

5 . M. R. Mosavi, “ GPS Data Smoothing ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2007 .

6 . M. R. Mosavi, “ GPS GDOP Approximation and Clustering and using Neural Networks ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2008 .

7 . M. R. Mosavi , “ Modeling of Ionospheric Time-Delay in Single-Frequency GPS Receivers using Neural Networks ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2009 .

6- Journal Papers

1. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, and M. H. Refan, “Adaptive Neurofuzzy and Positioning Accuracy”, GIS Development Magazine, Vol.7, Issue.3, pp.19-20, March 2003.
2. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, and M. H. Refan, “A New Approach for Improving of GPS Positioning Accuracy using an Adaptive Neurofuzzy System, before and after S/A Is Turned off”, Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.1, pp.101-114, 2004.
3. M. R. Mosavi, “A Wavelet Based Neural Network for DGPS Corrections Prediction”, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Greece, Vol.3, Issue.10, pp.3070-3075, December 2004.
4. M. R. Mosavi, “A Practical Approach for Accurate Positioning with L1 GPS Receivers using Neural Networks”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, USA, Vol.17, No.2, pp.159-171, March 2006.
5. M. R. Mosavi, “Comparing DGPS Corrections Prediction using Neural Network, Fuzzy Neural Network, and Kalman Filter”, Journal of GPS Solutions, USA, Vol.10, No.2, pp.97-107, May 2006.
6. M. R. Mosavi, “Real Time Prediction of GPS Receivers Timing Errors using Parallel-Structure Neural Networks”, Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.3, No.3, pp.53-61, September 2007.
7. M. R. Mosavi, “Precise Real-Time Positioning with a Low Cost GPS Engine using Neural Networks”, Journal of Survey Review, UK, Vol.39, No.306, pp.316-327, October 2007.
8. M. R. Mosavi, “GPS Receivers Timing Data Processing using Neural Networks: Optimal Estimation and Errors Modeling”, Journal of Neural Systems, World Scientific, Vol.17, No.5, pp.383-393, October 2007.
9. M. R. Mosavi, “High Performance Methods for GPS GDOP Approximation using Neural Networks”, Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.4, No.3, pp.9-16, September 2008.
10. M. R. Mosavi, “Recurrent Polynomial Neural Networks for Enhancing Performance of GPS in Electric Systems”, Journal of Wireless Sensor Network, Vol.2, pp.95-103, July 2009.
11. M. R. Mosavi, “GPS Data Smoothing”, Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.22, pp.21-35, 2009.
12. M. R. Mosavi, “Neural Networks-based Single-Frequency GPS Receivers Ionospheric Time-Delay Modeling”, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.9, No.4, December 2009.
13. M. R. Mosavi, “Infrared Counter-Countermeasure Efficient Techniques using Neural Network, Fuzzy System, and Kalman Filter”, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.5, No.4, pp.215-222, December 2009.
14. M. R. Mosavi, “Evolutionary Algorithms Approach for Errors High-Precision Modeling in Single-Frequency GPS Receivers”, Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.6, No.2, pp.17-25, June 2010.
15. M. R. Mosavi, “Knowledge-based Methods for Optimum Approximation of Geometric Dilution of Precision”, Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol.9, No.2, pp.153-170, June 2010.
16. M. R. Mosavi, “An Effective Method for GPS GDOP Clustering using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm”, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics (in review).
17. M. R. Mosavi, A. Nakhaei, and Sh. Bagherinia, “Improvement in Differential GPS Accuracy using Kalman Filter”, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (in review).
18. M. R. Mosavi, “Improvement in DGPS Accuracy using Neural Networks Trained by Evolutionary Algorithms”, Journal of Survey Review (in review).
19. M. R. Mosavi, “Noise Reduction of GPS Receivers Timing Data using Kalman Filters and Neural Networks”, Circuits, Systems, and Computers (in review).
20. M. R. Mosavi, “Wavelet Neural Network Analysis for Corrections Prediction in Single-Frequency GPS Users”, (in review).

7- Conference Selected Papers

1. A. Ghalehnoee, K. Mohammadi, and M. R. Mosavi, “Improve Determining the Location of a Moving Body on Map by Low Cost GPS Receiver”, IEEE Conference on Research and Development, Malaysia, pp.242-244, 16-17 July 2002.
2. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, and M. H. Refan, “Time varying ARMA Processing on GPS Data to Improve Positioning Accuracy”, The Asian GPS Conference 2002, India, pp.125-128, 24-25 October 2002.
3. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, and M. H. Refan, “Fuzzy Processing on GPS Data to Improve Positioning Accuracy, before and after S/A is Turned off“, The Asian GPS Conference 2002, India, pp.117-120, 24-25 October 2002.
4. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, and M. H. Refan, “Improving of Position Accuracy on GPS using Fuzzy Logic and RBF Neural Network”, 4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Amirkabir University, pp.271-279, 25-28 January 2003.
5. M. H. Refan, M. R. Mosavi, and K. Mohammadi, “Time Varying Kalman Filter Processing to Predict the Future Errors of a GPS Receiver”, Map India Conference 2003, India, 28-31 January 2003.
6. M. R. Mosavi, K. Mohammadi, M. H. Refan, and M. Farrokhi, “Prediction of Errors and Improvement of Position Accuracy on Low Cost GPS Receiver with MLP Neural Network”, The 11th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Vol.3, pp.513-520, 6-8 May 2003.
7. M. H. Refan, K. Mohammadi, and M. R. Mosavi, “Improvement on a Low Cost Positioning Sensor Accuracy”, IEEE Conference on Sensors, Malaysia, pp.9-14, 14-18 July 2003.
8. M. H. Refan, M. R. Mosavi, and K. Mohammadi, “Fast Prediction of DGPS Corrections on a Low Cost GPS Receiver with Modular Neural Network”, Conference on GPS/GNSS, Japan, pp.263-267, 15-18 November 2003.
9. M. R. Mosavi, “Fuzzy Management on Navigation Systems Sources Based on GPS-INS”, 3th Annual Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Technology and Applications (Map Asia 2004), China, 26-29 August 2004.
10. M. R. Mosavi, “Fuzzy Point Averaging of the GPS Position Components”, 3th Annual Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Technology and Applications (Map Asia 2004), China, 26-29 August 2004.
11. M. R. Mosavi, Z.Habibi, and F.Hosseini, “Increasing of DGPS Accuracy using Recurrent Neural Networks”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2004), China, Vol.2, pp.1574-1577, Aug. 31-4 Sep. 2004.
12. M. R. Mosavi, “A Comparative Study between Performance of Recurrent Neural Network and Kalman Filter for DGPS Corrections Prediction”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2004), China, Vol.1, pp.356-359, Aug. 31-4 Sep. 2004.
13. M. R. Mosavi, “A Wavelet based Neural Network for Accurate GPS Positioning”, 8th Annual Conference Map India 2005, India, 7-9 Feb. 2005.
14. M. R. Mosavi, “A Real-Time Precise Fuzzy Algorithm for Map Matching via GPS”, Map Middle East 2005 Conference, UAE, 23-25 April 2005.
15. M. R. Mosavi and A.Ghadiri, “Implementation of a GPS-based AVL System for Mazandaran Province”, 4th Annual Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Technology and Applications (Map Asia 2005), Indonesia, 22-25 August 2005.
16. M. R. Mosavi, “Reduction of GPS Receiver Noise using Parallel-Structure Wavelet based Neural Networks”, Symposium on Spatial-Temporal Modeling, Spatial Analysis, Data Mining, and Data Fusion, China, pp.241-248, 27-29 August 2005.
17. M. R. Mosavi, “On-Line Estimation for Increasing GPS Standard Engines Positioning Accuracy using Pi-Sigma and Sigma-Pi Neural Networks”, International Symposium on Telecommunications 2005, Iran, pp.1011-1015, 10-12 September 2005.
18. M. R. Mosavi, “Increasing GPS Timing Accuracy using Recurrent Neural Network”, Symposium on Geoinformation 2005, Malaysia, 27-29 September 2005.
19. M. R. Mosavi and K. R. Kalantari, “Accurate GPS using Adaptive Fuzzy Kalman Filter”, 6th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Iran, pp.179-187, 17-19 May 2006.
20. M. R. Mosavi, M. Mirzaeepour, and H. Nabavi, “Extrapolative Model of DGPS Corrections using a Multilayered Neural Network based on the Extended Kalman Filter”, 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Thailand, pp.365-369, 7-9 June 2006.
21. M. R. Mosavi, “Modeling of GPS SPS Timing Error using Multilayered Neural Network”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), China, 16-19 November 2006.
22. M. R. Mosavi, “Frequency Domain Modeling of GPS Positioning Errors”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), China, 16-19 November 2006.
23. M. R. Mosavi, M. Asadpour, and M. R. Farasat, “Design and Implementation of a New Infrared Counter-Countermeasure Algorithm using Kalman Filter”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2006), China, 16-19 November 2006.
24. M. R. Mosavi, “Performance Enhancement of GPS based Line Fault Location using Radial Basis Function Neural Network”, 5th Annual Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Technology and Applications (Map Asia 2006), Thailand, 29 August-1 September 2006.
25. M. R. Mosavi, “Precise Timing with a Single Frequency GPS Engine using Pi-Sigma and Sigma-Pi Neural Networks”, Symposium and Exhibition on Geoinformation 2006, Malaysia, 19-21 September 2006.
26. M. R. Mosavi, “A Smoothing Algorithm for Low Cost GPS Receivers Data Processing”, 15th Symposium and Exhibition on Remote Sensing and Assisting Systems, Syria, 18-21 September 2006.
27. M. R. Mosavi, “Accurate and On-Line Timing using Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network for Power Systems”, 21th International Power System Conference, Iran, pp.1-7, 13-15 November 2006.
28. M. R. Mosavi, “A Wavelet-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System for DGPS Corrections Approximation”, 2007 Congress on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, August 2007.
29. M. R. Mosavi, “An Adaptive Correction Technique for DGPS using Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network”, 2007 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Canada, pp.3029-3033, 7-10 October 2007.
30. M. R. Mosavi, “Application of Wavelet based Neural Network to Modeling of L1 GPS Timing Error”, The 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2007), Malaysia, 12-16 November 2007.
31. M. R. Mosavi, “A Smoothing Algorithm based on Impulse Response for GPS Data Processing”, The First National Data Mining Conference, Amirkabir University, 20-21 November 2007.
32. M. R. Mosavi, “Precise Timing in Electric Power Systems using Kalman Filter Estimation”, 22th International Power System Conference, Iran, 19-21 November 2007.
33. M. R. Mosavi, M. Asadpour, and H. A Amerim, “Design and Simulation of an Infrared Jammer Source for an Infrared Seeker”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking, India, 4-6 January 2008.
34. M. R. Mosavi, “A Forecasting Method of DGPS Corrections based on Radial Basis Probabilistic Neural Network”, The 4th International Symposium on Telecommunication (IST 2008), Tehran, Iran, 27-28 August 2008.
35. M. R. Mosavi, “Recurrent Polynomial Neural Networks for Enhancing Performance of GPS based Line Fault Location”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2008), China, pp.1668-1672, 26-29 October 2008.
36. M. R. Mosavi, P. Keshavarz, and M. Ahmadi, “An Intelligent DGPS using Radial Basis Function Neural Network”, 16th Symposium and Exhibition on Remote Sensing and Assisting Systems, Syria, 10-12 November 2008.
37. M. R. Mosavi, “A Smoothing Algorithm based on Least-Squares Estimation for GPS Data Processing”, The 29th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2008), Sri Lanka, 10-14 November 2008.
38. M. R. Mosavi and M. Sorkhi “An Efficient Method for Optimum Selection of GPS Satellites using Recurrent Neural Network”, 2009 IEEE/ASME Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Singapore, pp.245-249, 14-17 July 2009.
39. M. R. Mosavi and H. AmirMoini, “Single-Frequency GPS Receivers Ionospheric Time-Delay Approximation using Radial Basis Function Neural Network”, 2009 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Texas, USA, pp.4729-4732, 11-14 October 2009.
40. M. R. Mosavi and M. Divband, “GPS Timing Errors Modeling in Frequency Domain”, The 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2009), China, 19-23 October 2009.
41. H. Farrokhi, M. R. Mosavi, and A. Nakhaei, “Prediction of DGPS Corrections using Kalman Filter”, The 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2009), China, 19-23 October 2009.
42. M. R. Mosavi and M. Divband, “Calculation of Geometric Dilution of Precision using Adaptive Filtering Technique based on Evolutionary Algorithms”, IEEE Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, China, 25-27 June 2010.
43. M. R. Mosavi, “Use of Accurate GPS Timing based on Radial Basis Probabilistic Neural Network in Electric Systems”, IEEE Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, China, 25-27 June 2010.
44. F. Nakhaei, A. Sam, and M. R. Mosavi, “Metallurgical Performance Prediction of Column Flotation using the Artificial Neural Network”, International Mining Congress and Exhibition, Iran, 18-21 October 2010.

8- Books

1 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Design of Digital Systems using 8051 Microcontroller ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2007 .

2 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Design of Digital Interface Circuits based on 16 -bit 80196 Microcontroller ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , 2009 .

3 . M. R. Mosavi, “ Data Processing on Single-Frequency GPS Receivers ”, Iran University of Science and Technology , (in Print) .

9- Professional Activities

Academic Positions:

Professional Employment:

1 . 2001 - 2003 : Instructor

2 . 2004 - 2008 : Assistant Professor

3 . 2008 -New: Associate Professor

10- Postgraduate Projects

Undergraduate: more than 60 thesis

Postgraduate: 4 thesis

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