
1- Faculty profile

Family Name: Falahati

First Name: Abolfazl

Title: Dr.

Contact information:

Tel: 73916328 Fax: 7322 6328 URL: 6328

Email : afalahati(aT)iust.ac.ir

2- Higher Education

Degrees:- BSc (Hons), Electronics Engineering, Warwick University, UK

MSc, Digital Communication Systems, Loughborough University, UK

PhD, Digital Communication Channel Modeling, Loughborough University, UK

Post-Doctorate, HF channel Signaling, Rotherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, UK

3- Expertise

Research areas:

1. Ultra Wide Band Communication Systems and Antenna Designs.

2. MIMO Channel Modeling and Relay Networks

3. Cognitive Radio and Wireless Sensor Networks

4. MIMO Relay Network Modeling and Simulation

5. Information Theory and Channel Coding Techniques.

6. Cryptography and Cipher Implementation Techniques.

7. Secure Communication System Managements and Applications.

8. Digital Acoustic Underwater Communication Systems.

9. Universal Mobile for Telecommunication System (UMTS) in Adaptation with GSM mobile System and WiMAX.

10. Direct Digital Synthesizing (DDS).

11. Hardware Implementation of DSP/FPGA/OMAP Technology over Digital Communication Systems.

12. Design and Construction of Hardware Channel Simulators over frequency selective and non-selective fading channels.

13. Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting over VHF, UHF, Cable, Satellite and Fiber Optic links.

14. Orthogonal and Interactive Digital Signal Processing for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB).

15. Design of Digital Electronics boards for Medical and Control Systems.

16. Digital Signaling over Narrow band Channels (HF and Underwater channels).

17. Image processing and compression techniques over ATM Cash Machines.

18. 3GPP packet Switching Managements (IMS).

19. Optical Communications (Convertors and Regenerators).

4- Taught Courses

Undergraduate :

1. Communication Systems (Com I).

2. Digital Communication Principles (Com. II).

3. Digital Transmission Systems I.

4. Transmission System Workshop .

Postgraduate :

1. Applied Digital Signal Processing.

2. Advanced Mobile Communication Systems (Mobile II).

3. Information Theory and Channel Coding (I).

4. Advanced Channel Coding Theory (II).

5. Applied Cryptography.

6. Secure Communication (Managements and Applications).

7. Advanced Topics in Digital Technology (Short Courses).

8. Digital Railways Signaling and Telemetry.

9. DSP Hardware and Software Device Technology (Short Courses).

10. Satellite Communication Systems.

11. Mobile Communication Systems (Mobile I).

5- Research and Industrial Projects:

1. Design & Implementation of a frequency Selective Mobile Communication System Simulators (ITRC and MB102 Grants)

2. Design & Construction of DVB-T Set-Top Box Receiver (DemCo).

3. Design & Implementation of Hardware Channel Simulators for Mobile & HF Radio Links (IUST Research Council)

4. Design & Implementation of LOS Transmitters Control System (IUST Research Council).

5. Design & Construction of base 10/100Mb/s Optical Data Converters (Sheriff University).

6. Design & Implementation of an adaptive 5400b/s Secure Digital modem over HF Radio Links (SERC).

7. Design & Implementation of Digital Coins Recognizer (Tehran City Council)

8. Design & Construction of DVB-T Transmitter (IRIB).

9. Simulation and modeling of IMS signaling network.

6- Journal Papers :

1. TOORANI. M and FALAHATI. A, “A Secure Cryptosystem Based on Affine Transformation ”, IEEE Transaction on Security and Communication Networks, SCN, John Wiley, DBLP, Sept. 2009.

2. FAGHIHI. F, HEYDARI. H, FALAHATI. A and EASY. Y.A, “Convolutional Codes Acting as EMI/Virtual Shields in Current Injection Systems ”, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER 88, pp. 337–353, July 2008 .

3. FALAHATI. A, and ARDESTANI. M.R, "Adaptive Subcarrier and Power Distribution in Multiuser OFDM Systems with Proportional Data Rate Requirement", IJEEE journal of Electronics Engineering. No. 2, Vol. 4, Jan. 2008.

4. AKHLAGHI. S, KHANDANI. A. K and FALAHATI. A, “ Reducing The Effect of Channel Aging in MIMO Broadcast Systems”, IET/IEE Proceeding on Communication, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp151-159, Jan. 2008.

5. KHALEGHI BIZAKI H. and FALAHATI. A, “Tomlinson Harashima Pre-coder with Imperfect Channel State Information”, IET/IEE Proceeding on Communication, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp151-159, Jan. 2008.

6. KHALEGHI BIZAKI H. and FALAHATI. A, “Joint Channel Estimation and Spatial Pre-Equalization in MIMO Systems”, IET/IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 43, No. 23, Nov. 2007.

7. TAFAROGI. M and FALAHATI. A, “Security Enhancement in CDMA with Confidential Sequence for DS/SS System” IET/IEE Proceeding on Communication, Vol. 1, No. 3, June 2007.

8. FALAHATI. A, "Implementation of an adaptive burst DQPSK receiver over shallow water acoustic channel", IJEEE journal. pp. 18-27, Vol.1, No. 1, 2004.

9. FALAHATI. A, "Adaptive adjustment of DQPSK Burst Transmission over shallow water acoustic communication link", IUST journal of Engineering sciences, Vol. 11, No. 16, Jan. 2002.

10. FALAHATI. A and WOODWARD. B, "Underwater channel models for 4800 b/s QPSK signals", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Eng., Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 12-20, Jan 1991.

11. FALAHATI. A and MARSHALL. W.G, "Implementation of an adaptive 5400b/s modem over frequency selective HF radio links", Electronic letters (IEE Trans. on Electronics), Vol. 28, No.13, June 1992.

12. FALAHATI. A and WOODWARD. B, "Long and short range multipath propagation models for use in the transmission of high speed digital data through underwater channels", EEZ Resources, Chap Man Publications, pp 27-34, 1989, USA.

13. FALAHATI. A and WOODWARD. B, "High speed digital data transmission in an underwater channel", Proc. Ins. of Acoustics. Vol. 9, Part 4, pp28-35, 1987.

14. FALAHATI. A, AYATOLAHI. A and NASIRI. D, "Design and Hardware Simulation of Fuel Control Unit (ECU) For Petrol Injection Motors", Vol. 4, No. 1, pp130-138, Tabriz University, 2002.

15. FALAHATI. A "Design and Implementation of a VSAT Antenna over LEO Satellite Stations", Fonoon Journal of Science and Technology, No. 187, pp18-26, 1998.

16. FALAHATI. A "A Moving Radio Telescope Design and Implementations", Fonoon Journal of Science and Technology, No. 195, pp83-87, 1999.

17. FALAHATI. A "Design and Implementation of Hardware Simulators over HF Frequency Non-Selective Narrowband Channels", IUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp1-9, IUST, 2000.

18. NADERI. M, FALAHATI. A and SAMIEE. M, "Analysis and Synthesis of a new Banyan Switch Design over ATM Networks", IUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp82-99, IUST, Jan. 1999.

7- Confrence papers:

1. AMOEE . A.M and FALAHATI. A On Total Call Setup Waiting Time Probability Distribution in IMS Signaling Network ”, Third International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, NGMAT'09, pp.33-38, Sept. 2009, Cardiff, UK.

2. FALAHATI. A, NAGHSHVARIAN-JAHROMI. M and EDWARDS. R.M Dual Band-Notch CPW-Ground-Fed UWB Antenna by Fractal Binary Tree Slot ”, Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC'09, pp.18-24, La-Boca (France), Sept. 2009.

3. IZI. Y.A and FALAHATI. A, On the Cooperation and Power Allocation Schemes for Multiple-Antenna Multiple-Relay Networks ”, Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC'09, pp.44-48, La-Boca (France), Sept. 2009 .

4. TOORANI. M and FALAHATI. A, “ A Secure Variant of the Hill Cipher ”, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (SCC'09), pp. 313-316, Tunisia, July 2009.

5. PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, A Finger Assignment Method for Rake Receivers Based on Wavelet Decomposition over Multiple Access Systems ”, WTS 2009, IEEE Conference , Prague , April 2009,

6. SOLEIMOI. M and FALAHATI. A, “A Fast ACELP Codebook Search Method Based on Pulse Replacement and Tree Pruning ”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

7. SHOKRANI. M and FALAHATI. A, “A Novel QSTBC with Code Rate 3/4 Employing Eight Transmit Antennas”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

8. RAJAEE. M and FALAHATI. A, “An Application Design for Performance Enhancement of a QAM-OFDM System in a Nonlinear Channel ”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

9. AMOEE. A.M and FALAHATI. A, Overcoming Overload in IMS by Employment of Multi-server Nodes and Priority Queues ”, IEEE Int. Conf . on Signal Processing Systems, ICSPS'09, May 2009, Singapore.

10. MAROOSI. A and FALAHATI. A, New Space and Time Coding with High Performance and very Low Peak to Average Power Ratio ”, IEEE Communications, WOCN'09, IFIP Conference, pp. 18-23, Cairo, 2009.

11. MAROOSI. A and FALAHATI. A, New EO-STBC with more feedback bits in Inaccurate Channel Feedback ”, IEEE Communications, WOCN'09, IFIP Conference, pp. 1-6, Cairo, 2009.

12. FALAHATI. A and MESHGI. H, Using Quantum Cryptography for Securing Wireless LAN Networks ”, IEEE Int. Conf . on Signal Processing Systems, ICSPS'09, Singapore, May 2009.

13. PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, “A New Detection Method in FH-SS-LPI Wireless Systems ”, IEEE/IET Conference Int. Conference on Electrical Eng, ICEE16, Tehran, May 2008.

14. PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, “A New Full Diversity Super High Rate Transmission with Orthogonal Space-Time Codes ”, IEEE/IET Conference Int. Conference on Electrical Eng, ICEE16, Tehran, May 2008.

15. FALAHATI. A and SARRAFZADEH. A, “Bit-Interleaved Coded OFDM Detection Based on QR Decomposition" , IEEE Conference , IST2008, Tehran, Aug. 2008.

16. MAROOSI.A and FALAHATI. A, New Orthogonalization Using STBC-OFDM with Low Partial Feedback ”, IEEE Communications, ConTel 2007, pp. 89-94, Zagreb, June 2007.

17. FALAHATI. A and SOLAIMONI. M, A proposed fast ACELP codebook search ”, IEEE Communications, 2008. APCC 2008. 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Comm, 14-16 Oct. 2008 Page(s):1 – 5, 2008, Tokyo.

18. ABBASI-MOGHADAM. D, TABATABA VAKILI. V and FALAHATI. A, Combination of turbo coding and cryptography in NONGEO satellite communication systems ”, IEEE Telecommunications, 2008. IST 2008. International Symposium on 27-28 Aug. 2008 Page(s):666 – 670.

19. SADRI. A and FALAHATI. A, Exploiting Error-Control Coding in Blind Channel Estimation” , Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on

7-11 April 2008 Page(s):1 – 5.

19 PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, A Finger Assignment Method for Rake Receivers Based on Wavelet Decomposition over Multiple Access Systems ”, WTS 2009, IEEE Conference , Prague , April 2009,

20 SOLEIMOI. M and FALAHATI. A, “A Fast ACELP Codebook Search Method Based on Pulse Replacement and Tree Pruning ”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

21 SHOKRANI. M and FALAHATI. A, “A Novel QSTBC with Code Rate 3/4 Employing Eight Transmit Antennas”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

22 RAJAEE. M and FALAHATI. A, “An Application Design for Performance Enhancement of a QAM-OFDM System in a Nonlinear Channel ”, 5th Int. Conf . on Sciences and Electronics Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT'09, Tunisia, March 2009.

23 AMOEE. A.M and FALAHATI. A, Overcoming Overload in IMS by Employment of Multi-server Nodes and Priority Queues ”, IEEE Int. Conf . on Signal Processing Systems, ICSPS'09, May 2009, Singapore.

24 MAROOSI. A and FALAHATI. A, New Space and Time Coding with High Performance and very Low Peak to Average Power Ratio ”, IEEE Communications, WOCN'09, IFIP Conference, pp. 18-23, Cairo, 2009.

25 MAROOSI. A and FALAHATI. A, New EO-STBC with more feedback bits in Inaccurate Channel Feedback ”, IEEE Communications, WOCN'09, IFIP Conference, pp. 1-6, Cairo, 2009.

26 FALAHATI. A and MESHGI. H, Using Quantum Cryptography for Securing Wireless LAN Networks ”, IEEE Int. Conf . on Signal Processing Systems, ICSPS'09, Singapore, May 2009.

27 PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, “A New Detection Method in FH-SS-LPI Wireless Systems ”, IEEE/IET Conference Int. Conference on Electrical Eng, ICEE16, Tehran, May 2008.

28 PANAHI. F and FALAHATI. A, “A New Full Diversity Super High Rate Transmission with Orthogonal Space-Time Codes ”, IEEE/IET Conference Int. Conference on Electrical Eng, ICEE16, Tehran, May 2008.

29 FALAHATI. A and SARRAFZADEH. A, “Bit-Interleaved Coded OFDM Detection Based on QR Decomposition" , IEEE Conference , IST2008, Tehran, Aug. 2008.

16. MAROOSI.A and FALAHATI. A, New Orthogonalization Using STBC-OFDM with Low Partial Feedback ”, IEEE Communications, ConTel'07, pp. 89-94, Zagreb, June 2007.

17. FALAHATI. A and SOLAIMONI. M, “ A proposed fast ACELP codebook search ”, IEEE Communications, 2008. APCC 2008. 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Comm, pp. 1 – 5, Tokyo, Oct. 2008.

18. ABBASI-MOGHADAM. D, TABATABA VAKILI. V and FALAHATI. A, Combination of turbo coding and cryptography in NONGEO satellite communication systems ”, IEEE Telecommunications, 2008. IST 2008. International Symposium on 27-28 Aug. 2008 pp. 666 – 670.

19 . SADRI. A and FALAHATI. A, Exploiting Error-Control Coding in Blind Channel Estimation” , Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on
7-11 April 2008 Page(s):1 – 5.

20. NAGHSHVARIAN-JAHROMI. M and FALAHATI. A “ Classic Miniature Fractal Monopole Antennae for UWB Applications; Modification of The Feeding Structures of Fractal Antenna for Improving Performances”, Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on , 7-11 April 2008 Page(s):1 – 4.

21. PANAHI, F. H and FALAHATI. A, ” P robability-Based Rake Receiver in Ultra-Wideband Multiple Access Systems”, ICCSC 2008, IEEE Conference, pp. 505-511, Shanghai , May 2008.

22. FALAHATI. A, SOLAIMONI. M and TABATABA VAKILI. V, “ACELP Tree Proning”, Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on ”, 7-11 April 2008 Page(s):1 - 6 Summary: Despite the widespread use of forward-error control (FEC) coding, most receivers ignore its presence, and instead make the simplifying assumption that the transmitted symbols are uncoded. In this work we propose a technique for exploiting FEC and s

23. FALAHATI. A and KHODABAKHSHI. H, “An Electrical Beam Tilt Array for Mobile Base Station Antenna”, ELECO ’07, IEEE Conf. on Electro-magnetic, Dec. 5-9, Bursa, Turkey, 2007 .

24. FALAHATI. A and BATENI. E., “ Modified Blackman Window For Generating Long Complex Gaussian Sequences”, ICSPC07, IEEE Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Nov. 24-27, Dubai, 2007 .

25 . MOGHADAM. M. N and FALAHATI. A , “An Improved ICI Reduction method in OFDM Communication System in Presence of Phase noise”, PIRMC2007, IEEE Conf. on Personal Wireless Communication , Oct. 7-9, Athen, July 2007.

26. FALAHATI. A and ARDESTANI. M, “An Improved Low-Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm for OFDMA Systems with Proportional Data Rate Constraint”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 606-610, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

27. KHALEGHI BIZAKI H., and FALAHATI. A , “Tomlinson-Harishima Pre-coding with Imperfect Channel Side Information ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 987-991, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

28. RAHIMIAN. N and FALAHATI. A, “New Analytical Method to Investigate the Effect of Normalized Doppler rate on the Capacity of MIMO channels Using Karhunen –Loeve Expansion”, AusWireless 2007, IEEE Conf on Wireless Communication, May 2007, Sydney.

29. FALAHATI. A, VAKILI. V.T and ABBASI MOGHADAM. D, Security and Coding Schemes over Power line Communications ”, ISCTA'07, IEEE Conf., July 2007, The Lake District (UK).

30. GHAZANFARI. S.R, VAKILI. V.T and FALAHATI. A , “A New MAP-Based Algorithm to Reduce the Complexity of Turbo Decoder ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 1058-1061, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

31. FALAHATI. A, VAKILI. V.T and ABBASI MOGHADAM. D , “ OFDM Scheme in Impulsive Noise Channels” ISCTA'07, IEEE Conf., July 2007, The Lake District (UK).

32. FALAHATI. A, VAKILI. V.T and ABBASI MOGHADAM. D, Simulation Performance of Turbo Codes over Time Varying Mobile-Satellite Channels”, ICEE2007, IEEE/IET Conf., May 2007, Tehran.

33. ARDESTANI . M and FALAHATI. A, “Maximum Likelihood-Based Space-Time transmit Diversity Receiver Scheme for WCDMA ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 2212-2216, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

34. FALAHATI. A and GHAZANFARI. S. R , “Blind Detection in CDMA Systems Using Nonparametric Likelihood Ratio Criterion ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 2222-2225, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

35. GHAZANFARI. S.R, VAKILI. V.T and FALAHATI. A , “ Novel Reduced Complexity Trellis-Based Map Decoding Algorithm For Block Turbo Codes”, ICEE2007, IEEE/IET Conf., May 2007, Tehran.

36. MAROSSI. A, FALAHATI. A and KHALEGHI BIZAKI H., “ New Channel Orthogonalization Using STBC-OFDM with Low Partial Feedback”, C onTEL2007, IEEE Conf., pp. 89-94, June 2007, Zagreb.

37. FAL AHATI. A and BAYAT. M , “Number of Antenna Considerations and Power Allocation in MIMO Broadcast Channel ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 456-459, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul . 

38 . KHALEGHI BIZAKI H. and FALAHATI. A , “Power Loading by minimizing the Average symbol Error Rate on MIMO THP Systems ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 1323-1328, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

39. FALAHATI. A, BAGHERI. N, NADERI. M and MAHAGERI. J “A New Distinguish Attack Against ABC Stream Cipher ”, IEEE Conf., ICACT 2007, pp. 1768-1770, Feb. 12-14, 2007, Seoul.

40 . KHALEGHI BIZAKI H. and FALAHATI. A, “ SPIRIT-Like Multiuser Symbol Detection with Multiple Receive Antenna”, IEEE Conf., ICTTA’06, pp. 769-774, April 2006, Damascus.

41 . EASY. Y. A and FALAHATI. A, “A High Bandwidth Efficiency Adaptive Turbo Trellis Coded OFDM Over Wideband Fading Channel”, IEEE Conference, ICTTA’06, pp. 829-834, April 2006. Damascus.

42. FALAHATI. A , TAFAROJI. M and MASHREGHI. M , “ Security Enhancement in CDMA with a Hidden Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System”, IEEE Conf., ICTTA’06, pp. 921-927, April 24-28, 2006, Damascus.

43. KHALEGHI BIZAKI H., MANSOORI. S.D and FALAHATI. A, Linear Crypto-analysis on SECOND round Mini-AES”, IEEE Conf., ICTTA’06, pp. 713-717, April 24-28, 2006, Damascus.

44 . AKHLAGHI. S, KHANDANI. A. K and FALAHATI. A , “ User Selection and Signaling Over Time-Varying MIMO Broadcast Channel”, IEEE Conf., 23rd Biennial Symposium on Communication, pp. 31-35, Feb.22-24, 2006, Ontario.

45 . AKHLAGHI. S, KHANDANI. A. K and FALAHATI. A , “ A New Fast Density Evolution Method for LDPC Codes using Higher Order Statistics”, IEEE Conf., CISS 2006, pp. 845-850, March 23-25, 2006, New Jersey.

46. AKHLAGHI. S, KHANDANI. A. K and FALAHATI. A , “ Reducing The Effect of Channel Time Variations in MIMO Broadcast System”, IEEE Conf., CISS 2006, pp. 739-744, March 23-25, 2006, New Jersey.

47. FALAHATI. A and KAVIAN. S. Y, "A New Approach to design Pipeline Architecture for Reed-Solomon Codec", IEEE CONF, pp.134-140, June 2005, Bahrain.

48. FALAHATI. A and KHAYATZADEH. A, "A systolic array architecture for implementing CRC on FPGA technology", ", ICEE05 on Comm., pp27-35, Zanjon, Iran, May 2005.

49. FALAHATI. A and KAVIAN. S. Y, " "Pipeline Architecture for Reed-Solomon Codec", ICEE05 on Electronics, pp121-29, Zanjon, May 2005.

50. AHLEHAGH. H, FALAHATI. A and PEDRAM. M., "Providing Traffic Engineering Capabilities in Data Networks", IEEE CONF, PP. 1550-1554, IEEE, CCEC, June2002, Manitoba.

51. FALAHATI. A and AZIMINEJAD. A, "Error performances of narrowband LEO-based communication networks: A mean for evaluating future ADS/CPDLC systems", LEO Satellite Communication and Technology, IST2001 Conf., ITC center, Sept. 2001, Tehran.

52. FALAHATI. A, "Burst Transmission of 5800b/s digital data over underwater acoustic communication link", ICEE01. Power and Water University, May. 2001, Tehran.

53. SHIRVANI. S.S, VAKILI. T.V and FALAHATI. A, "Improvement of Timer-Based Handoff Initiation Algorithm (MPHT Scheme)", ICEE01, May. 2001 Tehran.

54. VAKILI. T.V, FALAHATI. A and SHIRVANI. S.S, "Modification of Maximum Power Handoff with Timer (MPHT) Algorithm in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC 2000), Paper 89044a, Sept. 2000, Boston.

55. FALAHATI. A, VAKILI. T.V and SHIRVANI. S.S, "New Handoff Initiation Algorithm (Optimum Combination of Hysteresis & Threshold Based Methods)", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC 2000), Paper 89044b, Sept. 2000, Boston.

56. FALAHATI. A and WOODWARD. B,"A simulation model of fading in an underwater channel", IEE Digest No 1988/80, June 1988, London.

57. FALAHATI. A and WOODWARD. B, "Outline of a digital modem for an underwater communication channel", Fifth Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Proc., IEE, No 82, Sept. 1988, Loughborough.

58. FALAHATI. A, HOJAT KOSHANI. F and FARAHMAND. M," Analysis of OFDM Parameters over Slow Fading and Band-limited Radio Links", ICEE02, pp130-138, Tabriz University, May 2002, Tabriz.

59. MIRKAMOLI. A, FALAHATI. A and AKHONDZADEH. L," Analysis and Design of Four Branch Helix Antenna For LEO Satellite Systems", ICEE03, pp17-25, Shiraz University of Technology, May 2003, Shiraz.

60. FALAHATI. A "Modern Digital Modulation Techniques over Frequency Non-Selective Narrowband Channels", ICEE95, pp8-16, 1995, IUST, Tehran.

61. FALAHATI. A, ORAIZI. H and ERFANIAN. S, "Analysis, Synthesis and Construction of BTS Antenna For GSM Mobile Systems", ICEE99, pp116-124, ITC Research Center, May. 1999, Tehran.

62. FALAHATI. A and ESMAILNIA. M, "A New Adaptive Receiver Techniques over HF Frequency Non-Selective Narrowband Channels",, IEEE/IET Conference Int. Conference on Electrical Eng, ICEE01, pp. 17-24, Tehran,

8- Books:

A. Falahati, "Underwater Channel Modeling for Secure Communications", EEZ Resources, Chapman eds. USA, 1989.

9- Professional Activities

Academic Positions:

Full-Member of IEE /IET Society since 1978 - Charter Engineer

Full-Member of Cryptographic Society since May 2003.

Full-Member of IEEE Communication Society since Feb. 2005

External Examiner for over 7 Universities in Tehran/Iran.

Workshop Organizer for 3rd Int. Conf. on Cryptography (ICST2007-Tehran)

Member of Scientific Committee for 16th Int. Conf.in Elec. Eng. (ICEE2007)

Conferences Reviewer for over 50% of all conferences in Asia and Europe.

Reviewer for the fowllowing Journals:

IEEE (Communication, SCN and VTC),

IEE/IET (Communication and UWB Antennas),

IJEEE (Communication-Sec. B)

Tarbiat Modares University Publication on Elec. Eng.

Shariff University Publications on Communication Technology

Shiraz University Publications (TechA Sec.)

Professional Employment:

DSP, FPGA and OMAP consultant (DemCo & Modern).

LEO Satellite and Mobile BTS antenna design consultant (Soadat Res. Cent).

Executive and Technical Director of ComranFO Fiber optic Company.

Laser Applications in Medical Science Consultant (Medicare Co.)

10- Administrative Responsibilities:

Head of Communication Group at IUST.

11- Postgraduate Projects:

PhD Postgraduate Research Projects

1. Analyze and Simulate Estimation Techniques over Narrow Band Channels

2. Analyze and Simulate Methods of Canceling the Effects of Doppler over Satellite Links .

3. Graphic Based Iterative Detection Methods over MIMO Fading Channels.

4. Pre Coding and Blind/Semi Blind Estimation Techniques over MIMO Fading Channels .

5. Application of FECC Coding Techniques over Underwater Acoustic Links

6. Simulation, Design and Improvement of Handoff Initiation and Handoff Execution in Cellular Mobile Communications .

7. Hill Cipher weaknesses and improvements.

8. Relay Network Simulation and Modeling.

9. Crypto-analysis over CDMA Systems.

10. Crypto-analysis with Channel Coding, One-way and Elliptic Functions.

13- Research Labs:

Digital Communication and Control System Laboratory

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