Outline Syllabus: - Vector Analysis
- Equilibrium of particles
- Newton's laws of motion
- Linear motion
- Motions with constant and varying accelerations
- Planar motion
- Circular motion
- Motion of satellites and planets
- Effect of earth's motion on gravity
- Work and Energy
- Gravitational potential energy
- Elastic potential
- Power
- Impulse
- Conservation of linear momentum
- Elastic and inelastic collisions
- Rocket motion
- Rotational Motion
- Angular acceleration
- Moment of inertia
- Angular momentum
- Gyroscope
- Harmonic motion
- Simple pendulum
- Angular harmonic motion of pendulum
- Temperature
- Heat and heat equilibrium
- Amount of heat
- Mechanical equivalent of heat and work
- The first law of thermodynamics
- Kinetic theory of gasses
- Ideal gas
- Mean free part
- Distribution of molecular velocity
- Change of state and thermodynamic transformations
- Sate equation (van der Wals)
- Entropy
- The second law f thermodynamics
- Reversible and irreversible entropy
- Physical state change of matter
- Different phases and state transformations due to heat
- Heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation)
Credits: 4 Pre-requisites: