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August 24, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr.Asghar Taheri will defend his doctoral thesis on saturday 2011/09/03 Time: 15:00. His thesis title is " Efficiency and Torque Ripple Improvement of Six-phase induction motor." His advisor is Dr.Abdolreza Rahmati.
August 16, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr.Mohammad Mehdi Aref will defend his doctoral thesis on saturday 2011/08/20 Time: 10:00. His thesis title is " Adaptive Robust Control of a Class of Complex Systems in Presence of Time-varying Uncertainties ". His advisor is Dr.Jahed-Motlagh.
August 16, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr.Khoshnam Shojaei will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesdayu 2011/08/24 Time: 10:00. His thesis title is " Adaptive-Robust Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots in Presence of Parametric and Non-parametric Uncertainties with Practical Considerations ". His advisor is Dr.Mohammad Shahri.
August 16, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr.Majid Hajatipour will defend his doctoral thesis on sunday 2011/08/21 Time: 10:00. His thesis title is " Design of State Observer in Nonlinear Systems Based on Switching Method". His advisor is Dr.Mohammad Farrokhi.
March 2, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mahdi Moradian will defend his doctoral thesis on Monday 7 March 2011, at 15.00 . His thesis title is "Improving the radiation characteristics of waveguide feed longitudinal slotted array". His advisor is Dr. ...
February 17, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mostafa Sarlak will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday 11/12/1389 Time: 15:00 . His thesis title is "High Impedance Fault Detection and Branch Identification in Distribution Networks ". His advisor is Dr....
February 14, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mohammad Reza Zoghi will defend his doctoral thesis on Monday 25/11/1389 Time: 17:00. His thesis title is "Sensor Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Target Tracking ". His advisor is Dr. Kahaei . Wish...
February 9, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Jafar Zarei will defend his doctoral thesis on Monday, February 14, 2011 Time: 17:00 . His thesis title is " Robust observer-based fault diagnosis in nonlinear systems ". His advisor is Dr. Ahmad Cheldavi . Wish him...
January 30, 2011 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Hamid Khodabakhshi will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday 20/11/1389 . His thesis title is " Analysis of the electromagnetic waves effects of wireless communications on human head ". His advisor is...
September 8, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Seyyed Javad Seyyed Mahdavi Chabok will defend his doctoral thesis on Wed, 2010-09-15 16:30 . His thesis title is " Evolutionary Design of Digital Reliable Circuits ". His advisor is Dr. K. Mohammadi .Wish him success .
August 17, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mojtaba Barkhordari Yazdi will defend his doctoral thesis on Sunday 29th August Time: 2 pm . His thesis title is " Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems under Constrained Switching ". His advisor is Dr.M.R. Jahed ...
July 11, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mohammad Hosein Khanzade will defend his doctoral thesis on Monday July 4, 2010, 10 a.m. His thesis title is " Dynamic Modeling of Helical Flux Compression Generators ". His advisor is Dr. Abbas Shoulaie . wish him ...
July 6, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Nasour BAgheri will defend his doctoral thesis on Monday July 12, 2010 . His thesis title is " Analysis and designing of Cryptographic Hash Functions ". His advisor is Dr. Majid Naderi . wish him success from ...
June 29, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Ms. M asoumeh Shafieian Bajestani will defend her doctoral thesis on Wednesday Tir 4th 1389. Her thesis title is "Sound Diffusion Design Using Enclosed Space’s Transfer Function and Wave-Based Numerical Method". ...
May 4, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Reza Ebrahimi Atani will defend his doctoral thesis on 12th of May 2010 . His thesis title is " Design and Implementation of a Stream Cipher for Mobile Communication ". His advisor is Dr. Dr. Sattar Mirzakuchaki. wish ...
April 20, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Farhad Haghjoo will defend his doctoral thesis on Sunday 2 May 2010 . His thesis title is "Online Detection and Location of Partial Discharges in Cable Networks ". His advisor is Dr. Sayyed Mohammad Shahrtash...
March 9, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Ali Abdolali will defend his doctoral thesis 2010/MARCH/13 on Saturday . His thesis title is "Radar Cross Section Reduction by Metamaterials ". His advisor is Dr. Homayoon Oraizi . Wish him success from almighty God...
February 24, 2010 -
Doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Masoud Esmaili will defend his doctoral thesis on Saturday, 1388.12.15 . His thesis title is "Congestion Management in Restructured Power Systems Considering Voltage and Angle Stability".His advisor is ...
February 16, 2010 -
doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Behrooz Rezaie will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday 3/2/2010 . His thesis title is "Global Stability Analysis and Controlling Chaotic Nonlinear Behaviors in High-Speed Communication Networks ". His advisor..
February 16, 2010 -
doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Vahid Vahidinasab will defend his doctoral thesis on Saturday, 27 Feb. 2010, 7:30 a.m. His thesis title is "Optimal Bidding Strategy of Power Producers in Joint Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets ". His advisor is ...
January 27, 2010 -
doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Morteza Kazerooni will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday 3/2/2010 . His thesis title is "ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF EBG AND DGS STRUCTURES AND THEIR APPLICATION IN MICROSTRIP WIDEBAND ANTENNA OPTIMUM DESIGN ". His advisor is Dr...
January 27, 2010 -
doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Alireza Saberkari will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday 3/2/2010 . His thesis title is "Design and Simulation of a Single-Chip CMOS RF Transmitter for Wireless Communications with DCS1800 Standard ". His advisor is Dr. ahmad ayatollahi. Wish him success ...
January 19, 2010 -
doctoral thesis defence
Mr. Mahmud Afifi will defend his doctoral thesis on saturday 10(th) of bahman. His thesis title is " Design & simulation of neuromorphic in CMOS/Nano hybrids". His advisor is Dr. ahmad ayatollahi. Wish him success from almighty God...
October 30, 2009 -
IJEEE Update
As a consequence of upgrading and refreshing the research and scientific activities of Electrical Engineering Department towards enhancing the capacity and quality of the International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEEE) continue ...
October 30, 2009 -
Student Admissions for Nanoptronics Program
Aiming at providing a vast contribution to the state of the art technology and knowledge while moving along the frontiers of knowledge and technology, the new major entitled "Nanoptronics" consisting three major scientific fields combined with four technological approaches continue...