Dr. Shahhoseini |
| Post date: 2023/12/20 | |
Full Name: Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: 98-021-77240487
Fax: 98-021-77240486


1- Faculty profile
Family Name: Shahhoseini
First Name: Hadi Shahriar
Title: : Associate Professor
Contact imformation:
Affiliation: Iran University of Science and Technology
Phone: (9821) 77240487
Fax: (9821) 77240486
Email : hshsh (At) iust.ac.ir
Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini received B.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of Tehran, in 1990, M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Azad University of Tehran in 1994, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, in 1999. He is an associate professor of the electrical engineering department in Iran University of Science and Technology. His areas of research include networking, supercomputing and reconfigurable computing. More than 170 papers have been published from his research works in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is an executive committee member of IEEE TCSC and serves IEEE TCSC as regional coordinator in Middle-East Countries since 2004. He is currently served as Director of International and Scientific Cooperation for IUST. He also is founder and director of Research Center for ICT Strategic and International Studies (ICT-SIS).
2- Education :
PhD in Electrical Engineering (Digital Electronic) 1999, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran
MSc in Electrical Engineering (Electronic) 1993, Azad University of Tehran, Iran
BSc in Electrical Engineering (Electronic) 1988, University of Tehran, Iran
3- Expertise :
4- Taught Couses :
17 Courses
Computer Interfacing |
1. |
Advanced Computer Architecture |
2. |
Parallel Processing |
3. |
Advanced Computer Networking |
4. |
Computer Security |
5. |
Fundamental of Network Security |
6. |
Fundamental of Networking |
7. |
Digital Electronics |
8. |
Computer Architecture |
9. |
Electronics-I |
10. |
Electronics-II |
11. |
Industrial Electronics |
12. |
Electrical Circuits - I |
13. |
Electrical Circuits - II |
14. |
Electrical Measuring |
15. |
Linear Control System Lab |
16. |
Computer Architecture Lab |
17. |
5- Research and Industrial Projects :
6- Journal Papers :
27 papers Some of them are listed below:
"Nonflat surface level pyramid: a high connectivity multidimensional interconnection network," Springer Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.67, pp. 31-46, Jan 2014,(ISI Journal).
"Defense against Lion Attack in Cognitive Radio Systems using the Markov Decision Process Approach," Frequenz Journal, No.68, pp. 191-201, March 2014,(ISI Journal).
"Performance Evaluation of Decision Tree for Intrusion Detection Using Reduced Feature Spaces," Springer Arabian Journal of Science & Technology, Vol., pp. 154-164, June 2013,(ISI Journal).
"Improving CompactMatrix Phase in Gang Scheduling by Changing Transference Condition and Utilizing Exchange," Springer Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.66, pp. 1707-1728, Dec 2013,(ISI Journal).
"Algorithms Using Fuzzy-Copeland Ranking Method Evaluation MCDM Multi-disjoint Paths Selection," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol.5, pp. 59-67, March 2013.
"Load Balancing in Local Computational Grids within Resource Allocation Process," Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol., pp. 4546-4551, Nov 2012,(ISI Journal).
"A New Watermarking Scheme for an in-Vivo Computer Based on Infection of E. coli," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, pp. 154-164, August 2012.
" A Novel Multi-Client Authentication Method Using Infection of Bacteria," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol.5, pp. 790-794, Sep 2012.
"Cryptanalysis of a Substitution-Permutation Network Using Gene Assembly in Ciliates," Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS), Vol. 5, pp. 154-164, March 2012.
"Breaking A Feistel-Type Block Cipher by Bacteria Engineering, " Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ), Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-23, January 2012.
"Achieving Secrecy for Images Using in-vivo DNA Cloning Techniques," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 240-249, Dec. 2011.
"An Effective Duplication-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Systems," SCS Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 87(12), pp. 1067-1080, Dec 2011,(ISI Journal).
"Future-based On-line Integrated HW/SW Partitioning and Co-scheduling for Reconfigurable Computing Systems," Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) Vol. 27 , pp. 1687-1711July 2011. (ISI Journal)
"Configuration Reusing in On-line Task Scheduling for Reconfigurable Computing Systems" Journal of Computer Science and Technology (Special Section on High-Performance Computing for Embedded Multi-Core Systems), Vol.26 (3), pp.463-473, May 2011. (ISI Journal)
"A Repair-less Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware," Journal International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) March 2011.
"A New Metric for On-Line Scheduling and Placement in Reconfigurable Computing Systems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, pp.422-433, May 2010.
“Performance Evaluation of Decision Tree for Intrusion Detection Using Reduced Feature Spaces,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering, pp.273-, April 2008.
“Clustering of Interleaved Pulses Using Systolic Array,” International Journal Engineering Science, Vol.15. No.3, 2004, pp.101-107. (ISC Journal)
"IUSTA, A Prioritized Multicast ATM Switch: Design & Performance Evaluation," Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. B4-27, pp.771-782, 2003. (ISI Journal)
"Reaching to the Best Performance on the Superscalar Processors," ACM Computer Architecture News, Vol. 27, No.4, pp 6-11, Sep 1999.
7- Confrence papers :
136 papers Some of them are listed below:
" An analysis on interactions among secondary user and unknown jammer in cognitive radio systems by fictitious play," 10th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC), Sep 2013 .
" Fuzzy-Copeland ranking method to evaluate multi-disjoint paths selection algorithms," IEEE 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), June 2012 .
" Availability-Based Routing Algorithm Using AHP Method in IP/MPLS Networks," International Conference on Computer Science and Service System-CSSS2012, Nanjing, China, May 2012 .
" Formal Security Analysis of Authentication in SNMPv3 Protocol by An Automated Tool," Sixth International Symposium onTelecommunications-IST2012, Tehran, Iran, Oct 2012 .
" Automated Formal Analysis of NetConf Protocol for Authentication Properties," Sixth International Symposium on Telecommunications - IST2012, Tehran, Iran, Oct 2012 .
" Automated Verification of Secrecy for NetConf Protocol by ProVerif Tool," 9th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC), Tabriz, Iran, Sep 2012 .
" Formal Analysis of Privacy in SNMPv3 Protocol by ProVerif ," 9 th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology ( ISCISC), Tabriz, Iran, Sep 2012 .
" Network Intrusion Detection System using Feature Reduction and Ensemble Classifiers," The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN2012), China pp.9-11, Mar 2012 .
" Intelligent IP traffic matrix estimation by neural network and genetic algorithm," 2011 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP), pp. 1 – 6, 19-21 Sept. 2011 .
" Adaptive Algorithm for Task Scheduling in the Distributed Heterogeneous systems using harmony search", 2011 The 7th International Conference on Networked Computing (INC), pp.11–16, 26-28 Sept. 2011
" Security Analysis and Improvement of Smart Card-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with CAPTCHAs for Wireless Mobile Network ," 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and communications (ISCC), pp. 652 – 657, June 28 2011- July 1, 2011 .
" An improved two-party Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol without Server's Public Key," 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), pp. 90 – 95, 27-29 May 2011 .
" Multi Secret Sharing Scheme for Encrypting Two Secret Images into Two Shares," 2011 International Conference on Information and Electronics Engineering (IPCSIT), Singapore, vol.6, pp. 171-175, 2011 .
" TBA Backoff Algorithm to Enhance the Quality of Service " The 2011 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Automation (CCCA 2011)Hong Kong, China, February 20-21, 2011 .
" A Novel Multi-Client Authentication Method using Infection of Bacteria," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2011), Haikou, China, Feb. 2011 .
" An Improved Visual Cryptography Scheme Using Scrambling Pixels in Color Images," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2011), Haikou, China, Feb . 2011.
" Improving Execution Time of Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware Using Adapted SA," Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT 2011), China , Feb 2011 .
" An Improved Two-party Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol without Server’s Public Key," Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Computer Networks, ICICN 2011, Guiyang, China , January 2011 .
" Dependency Aware Placement in Reconfigurable Computing Systems," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation, ISMS2011, Malaysia, Jan. 2011
" A Grid Resource Allocation Method Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process," Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST2010), Tehran, December 2010 .
" Design and Implementation of a Wireless Grid based on WSRF.NET," Proceedings of 18th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2010, Belgrade , Serbia, pp.1327-1330, November 2010 .
" A New Watermarking Scheme For An in-vivo Computer Based on Infection of E. coli," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, (ICCEE 2010), Chengdu, China, Vol.8 , pp.484-489 November 2010 .
" A New Approach in On-line Task Scheduling for Reconfigurable Computing Systems ," Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2010), Rennes, France , pp.321-324, July 2010 .
" APPMA – An Anti-Phishing Protocol with Mutual Authentication," Proceedings of the IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC10 June 2010 .
" Mitigating Reconfiguration Overhead In On-line Task Scheduling for Reconfigurable Computing Systems," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET2010 , China, Vol.4 pp.397-402, April 2010 .
" A New Metric for On-Line Scheduling and Placement in Reconfigurable Computing Systems," 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP China, pp.422-433, April 2010 .
" Reconfiguration Overhead In On-line Task Scheduling For Reconfigurable Computing Systems, 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET2010), Korea,pp.397-402, April 2010 .
" Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm with Multi-hop Transmission," Eighth International Conference on Scalable Computing and 29. Communications, Embedded Computing, SCALCOM-EMBEDDEDCOM'09, Dalian, Chinapp.459-462, Sept. 2009 .
" Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Backoff Algorithms in Ad Hoc Networks," International Conference on Computer Technology and Development , ICCTD'09, Malaysia, Volume 1, pp.540–544, Nov. 2009 .
" Design a Cross-Layer Integrated MAC and Routing Protocol for Surveillance Systems Using WSNs," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops, 2009, (ICUMT 2009), pp.1-6, Oct2009 .
" A New Adaptive Power Optimization Scheme for Target Tracking Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications, ISIEA2009, Kulalmpur, Malaysia, Volume 1, pp.307-312, Oct . 2009.
On-line HW/SW partitioning and co-scheduling in reconfigurable computing systems, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT2009, China, pp. 557 – 562, Aug. 2009
" End Host Defense against DDoS Attacks with IP," Proceedings of the 6th Iranian Cryptology Society Conference, Isfahan, Iran, Oct. 2009 .
" A New Sink Based Energy Efficient and Delay Sensitive MAC Protocol for Large scale WSNs" Proceedings of the IEEE SPECTS2009, Istanbul , Turkey, July 2009 .
" Earliest Starting and Finishing Time Duplication-Based Algorithm," Proceedings of the IEEE SPECTS2009, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2009 .
" A Completely Radix-4 Modular Division Algorithm over Prime Galois Field, GF(p)" Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2009 .
" An Improved Current Conveyor, Approaching the Ideal one " Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2009 .
" Sensor Networks Clustering Scheme with Immediate Transmission Alternatives" Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2009 .
" A New Configuration Memory Architecture for Fast Partial Reconfiguration" Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2009 .
" SBA backoff Algorithm to Enhance the Quality of Service ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing ( ICSAP 2009), KualaLumpur, Malaysia, pp.43-47, April 2009 .
" Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm with Direct Paths Supports," Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2009), Singapore, pp.277-281, May 2009 .
A Low-Complexity Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing Systems, Proceedings of the Asia Modeling Symposium (AMS’09 ), Indonesia, pp. 596-601, May 2009 .
" A HW/SW Partitioning Algorithm For Multitask Reconfigurable Embedded Systems," Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM08), UAE, Dec 2008 .
" An efficient algorithm resistant to SPA and DPA variants in ECC," Proceedings of the IFIP Wireless 2008, pp.1-5, UAE, Nov 2008
" Queuing Analysis for Reconfigurable Computing ,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System, PEITS08, pp:284-288, Aug. 2008 .
" A New Digital Multiplier/Divider Architecture via Hybrid Analog/Digital Processing," Proceedings of the IEEE Midex Conference, pp . 181-185, June 2008 .
" A Novel Bin-Based Architecture for Fast Partial Reconfiguration," Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering May 2008 .
“ Performance modeling of partially reconfigurable computing systems," Proceedings of the IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2008. AICCSA 2008, pp94-99, April Doha 2008 .
" A Novel Algebraic Approach to Power Analysis Attack-Resistant Countermeasure for Koblitz Curve Cryptosystems in Mobile Devices," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Advanced Communication Technology, 2008. ICACT 2008 . , pp. 1020-1023, Feb 2008
" Performance Evaluation of Partially Reconfigurable Computing Systems," Second HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing , Goteborg, Sweden, Jan 2008 .
“ Bi-level Fragmented Scrambling for Image Secrecy ,” Proceedings of the the 4th Iranian Cryptology Society Conference , Teheran,pp.89-94,Oct. 2007 .
“ A Dual scalar multiplier for elliptic curve cryptography over ,” Proceedings of the 4th Iranian Cryptology Society Conference , Teheran,pp.31-38,Oct. 2007 .
“ Scalable Partial Multiplication Using Extended Concurrent Algorithm in ECC Processors,” Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering May 2007 .
“ Dynamic Context Memory in Reconfigurable Superscalar Processors”, Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2007 .
“ Test Pattern Generator for Combinational VLSI Circuits by Genetic Algorithm with Revocation,” Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2007 .
“ Performance Analysis of Decision Tree for Intrusion Detection with Reduced DARPA Offline Feature Sets,” Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists , IMECS2007,pp.679-684, Hong Kong, March2007 .
“ Dynamic Task Scheduling Algorithm with Minimum Communication Cost and Processor Ready Time in Heterogeneous System”, 12th International CSI Computer Conference, Tehran, Iran, Feb 2007 .
“ A Mesh-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC06), pp. 115-120, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006 .
“ Optimizing Proportional Reward in The Multi-agent RL System,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Application , Montreal, Canada, May2006
“ A Secure Watermarking by Chaotic Function,” Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Conference of Electrical Engineering, May 2006 .
“ A More Secure Authentication Protocol for GSM,” Proceedings of the 11th International CSI Computer Conference, Tehran Iran, pp. 361-365, Jan 2006.
“ The Best Irreducible Pentanomials For A Mastrovito GF Multiplier,” Proceedings of the 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications(AICCSA-06) Sharjah, UAE, March 2006
“ Semi-Algorithmic Random Test Pattern Generation ,” Proceedings of the 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-06), Sharjah, UAE, March 2006 .
“ PALWSSO: a Pre-Authenticated Light Weight Single Sign On Protocol,” The 2nd International Conference on information and Knowledge Technology, IKT2005, Tehran, May 2005 .
“ GMPP: Genetic Multi-Step Path Planning for Dynamic Environment”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS03 ), Singapore, Dec2003 .
“ Multi-step Path Planning for Mobile Target by Genetic Algorithm” Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE 2003, Coventry University, UK,vol.2, pp. 625-629, Sep2003 .
Uniformly Distributed Sampling: An Exact Algorithm for GA's Initial Population in a TREE Graph”, Proceedings of the International conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (MSO 2003), Banff, Canada, pp . 185-189, July 2003 .
“ FIXING SCALE FACTOR IN SYSTOLIC CORDIC DCT” Proceedings of 7 th ISCTA St. Martin’s College, Ambleside, UK, 157-160, July 2003 .
“ Systolic Cordic DCT: An Effective Method for Computing 2 D-DCT” Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA 2003), Paris, pp.193-196, July 2003 .
" Distributed Output Port Controller and Multiplexer for IUSTA ATM Switch" Proceedings of the First Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems NEWCAS 2003, pp.25-28, June2003 .
" Conical Systolic Array for Matrix Inversion", Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, Palm Springs, California , USA, pp.303-306, Feb 2003 .
" Data Clustering by Minimum Difference Tree and PRI Transform," Proceedings of Workshop on Recent Progress in Computers and Communication, EurAsia ICT 2002, Shiraz, Iran, pp. 35-39, Oct. 2002 .
" A New Matrix Method For Pulse Train Identification : Implementing by Systolic Array," Proceedings of the XI° European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse, France, pp.19-22, Sept. 2002 .
" Virtual service center: A Closed Form Model For Crossbar-Based Multiprocessor," Proceedings of Applied Simulation and Modeling , ASM2002, Crete, Greece,pp.92-96, June 2002 .
" Matrix Multistage Clustering of Interleaved Pulse Train ," Proceedings of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications , SPPRA2002, Crete, Greece, pp. 98-101, June 2002 .
" A New Matrix Method for Pulse Train Identification ," Proceedings of 11TH IEEE MELECON conference, Cairo, EGYPT, PP.183-187, May 2002 .
" Performance Analysis of IUSTA Priority Mechanism " Proceedings of the ConfTele2001, Coimbra, Portugal, pp.25-30, April 2001 .
" Design Tradeoff on Shared Memory Clustered Massively Parallel Processing System," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computing and Information, ICCI2000, Kuwait, Nov.2000 .
" IUSTA, A Prioterized Multicast ATM Switch," Proceedings of 2 nd IEEE International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks & Digital Signal Processing (DSNDSP2000), Bournemouth, England, pp. 273-278, July 2000 .
" Shared Memory Multistage Clustering Structure, An Efficient Structure for Massively Parallel Processing System," Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Beijing, China , pp.22-27, May 2000 .
“ Cluster Computing: The Future Trend in Parallel Processing ”, Keynote Talk in 6th Computer Society International Conference, March 2000 .
" Upper Bounds in Modified Models of Speedup in Parallel Machines," Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Applied Informatics , Innsbruck, Austria, pp.239-243, Feb 2000 .
" Performance Evaluation and Cost Analysis of A Parallel Processing System with Shared Memory," Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Modeling and Simulation, Honolulu, USA, pp.272-276, August 1998 .
" An Improved Model for Performance Evaluation of Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor System," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer System and Application, Irbid, Jordan, pp-151-154, April 1998 .
" Acoustical Modeling and Simulation of Ultrasound Signals in Steel," The Second International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 1995 , The Best Paper of Conference ).
8- Books :
Books and Technical Report : 33 Books & Reports Dr. Shahhoseini has been published several books and technical reports. Almost all of the books are published in Farsi; and the English version of those that have not been translated from other languages, are going to be published in future. Some of them are listed below:
Electronic Government; 2007 (in Persian). |
1. |
Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP): Evaluation, Selection, Implementation; 2008 (in Persian). |
2. |
37 Points Regarding the Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP); 2008 (in Persian). |
3. |
Evolutionary Algorithms: Principles, Applications and Implementation; 2011 (in Persian). |
4. |
Evaluating the Information Society: The World Situation in Mid-Range of WSIS; 2012 (in Persian). |
5. |
Descriptive Calendar of Events and Meetings for WSIS; 2012 (in Persian). |
6. |
Descriptive Calendar of Events and Meetings for WSIS; 2012 (in English). |
7. |
A framework for preparation the National Reports in Information Society; 2012 (in Persian). |
8. |
Information Technology and Basic Concepts of Information Society; 2012 (in Persian). |
9. |
Analysis of ICT Development Trend in Iran and the World; 2013 (in Persian). |
10. |
Iran National Report on WSIS – 2012 (in English). |
11. |
Iran National Report on WSIS – 2013 (in English). |
12. |
Iran National Report on WSIS – 2014 (in English). |
13. |
ICT Development Trends in a Glance: The World Status till 2012;(in Persian). |
14. |
ICT Development Trends in a Glance: The World Status till 2013;(in Persian). |
15. |
ICT Statistics in 2013 (in Persian). |
16. |
ICT Statistics in 2014 (in Persian). |
17. |
Impact of IT Industry on GDP: Expert Survey for Implementing Iran 5th National Development Plan (in Persian). |
18. |
A Manual for Collecting ICT Administrative Data(in Persian). |
19. |
ICT and Developing Private Sector (in Persian). |
20. |
9- Professional Activities :
Some of them are listed below:
Director of International and Scientific Cooperation for IUST (2014-). |
1. |
Member of Strategic Planning Council of the University, IUST, (2014-) |
2. |
Founder and Director of Research Center for ICT Strategic and International Studies (ICT-SIS) (2013-). |
3. |
Program Chair of Iran National Committee for WSIS (2012-). |
4. |
Executive Committee Member of IEEE TCSC (2004-) |
5. |
IEEE TCSC Regional Coordinator in Middle-East Countries (2004-). |
6. |
Advisor in Knowhow Engineering Consultant Company (1999-) |
7. |
Associate Professor of Electronics Group in EE Department of IUST (1999-) |
8. |
Director of Information Technology Group of EE Department of IUST (2010-2014) |
9. |
Director General for Information Technology Development, Iran ICT Ministry (2007-2009) |
10. |
Head of IT Infrastructure Workgroup for 5th Iran National Development Plan (2008-2009) |
11. |
Member of IT Workgroup for 5th Iran National Development Plan (2008-2009) |
12. |
Director of Students’Scientific Creativity Office of IUST, (2001-2004) |
13. |
Member of Board in Chabahar Telecommunication Company (2004-2005) |
14. |
Executive Committee Member of IEEE TFCC (1999-2004) |
15. |
IEEE TFCC Regional Coordinator in Middle-East Countries (1999-2004). |
16. |
Head of the Board of Bit-Pardaz Company (1993-1997) |
17. |
R&D Manager for Computer Division of Pars-Electric Service Company (1992-1994) |
18. |
Member of Industry Council of the University, IUST, (2007-2008) |
19. |
Member of International Council of the University, IUST, (2001-2002) |
20. |
10- Technical Report :
Technical Committee and Scientific Association Activities: Some of them are listed below:
Member of Wording Workgroup of Persian Language and literature Academy, (2009-) |
1. |
Chair of the National Conference for Preparation on the World Summit on the Information Society, 1st to 4th Conference (2012-2014) |
2. |
Chair of 1st and 2nd Conference on the Role of IT Industry in Gross Domestic Production (GDP), (Tehran 2012 and Geneva 2013). |
3. |
Program Chair of the National Conference on Rural ICT Services, 1st to 3rd Conference (2009-2012) |
4. |
Program Chair of the World Electronics and Internet Cities Conference (WIECC2001); Kish Island, 2001. |
5. |
Program Committee Member of the National Conference for Network Security and Cryptography, 4th to 11th Conference (2007-) |
6. |
Program Committee Member IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration IEEE IRI (2004-2011) |
7. |
Chair of the Information Technology Section of 17th Iran Electrical Engineering Conference (2007-2008) |
8. |
Program Committee Member of the 2007 Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC’07), Austin, Texas, Sept. 2007, http://www.tlc2.uh.edu/hpcc07. |
9. |
Program Chair of Conference on Developing and Application of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software, Tehran 2008. |
10. |
Program Committee Member of the 7th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, (IKT 2007), Mashhad, 2007. |
11. |
Program Committee Member of The International Workshop on Distributed Shared Memory (DSM), http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/laurent.lefevre/, 1st to 6th Conference (2001-2006). |
12. |
Program Committee Member of Cluster Computing track of 35th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2006), Columbus, OH, in 14-16 August 2006, http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~icpp2006/ |
13. |
Program Committee Member of the Second International Workshop on Internet Computing and E-Commerce, ICEC'02, 2002. (http://www.csis.hku.hk/~icec2002/) |
14. |
Program Committee Member of the 4th International SCI-Europe Conference 2001 and 2nd SCI Summer School Oct2001, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. (http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Michael.Manzke/SCI_Event_2001/sci_event_2001.htm) |
15. |
Program Committee Member of the First International Workshop on Internet Computing and E-Commerce (ICEC'01) California, USA. (http://andy.usc.edu/icec2001/) |
16. |
Program Committee Member of IEEE Asia Pacific International Symposium on Cluster Computing, APSCC2000, May 2000, Beijing, China. (http://ceng.usc.edu/~hjin/apscc2000/index.html ( |
17. |
Program Committee Member of the 2000 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA2000, June 2000, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. (http://www.ashland.edu/~iajwa/Conferences/PDPTA2000/pdpta.html); |
18. |
Reviewer of 13th IEEE and ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed System, PADS'99, 1-4 May 1999, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. |
19. |
Reviewer of the International Conference on Computer System & Application, CSA'98, March 30 - April 2, 1998, Irbid Jordan. |
20. |
11- Postgraduate Projects : (PhD and MSc) Supervised Projects
67 Projects Granted Projects : 18 Research Projects and 28 Industrial Projects Dr. Shahhoseini has run many research and industrial projects during past ten years. Some of the most important ones are listed below:
Preparation of International Documents and Holding Technical Workshops for National Preparation and Content Production in the Field of the Information Society; 2014. |
1. |
Preparation Strategic Documents and Developing International Affairs in the field of Information Society; 2013. |
2. |
Technical Capacity Building for Improving Iran International Ranks in the Field of Information Technology (IT); 2013. |
3. |
Impact of IT Industry on Gross Domestic Products in Developing Plan Iran. 2012. |
4. |
Research Study and Preparation of International Strategic Documents for the Information Society; 2011 (winner of WSIS-Prize-2012). |
5. |
Design and Implementation of a Networked Monitoring System for Gas Dispatching Stations, 2010. |
6. |
Modeling of the Reconfigurable Systems, 2011. |
7. |
Resource Management in Reconfigurable Systems, 2008. |
8. |
Reconfigurable Processors and Application Specific Algorithms, 2006. |
9. |
Design and Implementation of Digital Control System for Paste Production and Storage Mechanism (PPSM), 2005. |
10. |
Design and Implementation of the Network for the PLC Systems in Agh-Darreh Gold Factory, 2004. |
11. |
RISC Processor Design for Telecommunication Application, 2004. |
12. |
12- Honors, Recognition and Outstanding Achievements for Teaching and Research :
Best Industrial Researcher of the University, IUST, Tehran, 2014. |
1. |
Winner of the Best Researcher Award in the 3rd National ICT Festival, ICT Ministry, Tehran, 2013. |
2. |
Winner of WSIS-Prize-2012 in C-11 (International and Regional Cooperation), ITU, Geneva, 2012 |
3. |
Best Professor Award in IUST e-Learning Center, IUST, Tehran, 2008. |
4. |
IEEE Computer Society Service Award and Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding and sustained services to Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) as Regional Coordinator for the Middle East Region, IEEE, USA, 2007. |
5. |
Winner of Entrepreneurship Development Prize in National Shekh-Bahaei Festival, Isfahan, 2005. |
6. |
Appreciation Letter from Minster of Science, Research and Technology, for Design and Preparing the Student Scheduler, Tehran, 2003. |
7. |
Best Director of University for Founding and Managing the Students’ Scientific Creativity Office in University, IUST, Tehran, 2002. |
8. |
13- Research Labs :
IUST Research Center for ICT Strategic and International Studies (ICT-SIS). |
1. |
SuperComputing and Networking Research Lab (SCaN), Electronic Research Center, IUST. |
2. |
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