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Address : Research Lab., Iran University of Scince & Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, IRAN

Zipe Code : 1684613114

Phone : (+98)21-77240491

    Fax : (+98)21-77240491

:: History ::

 Introduction to power electronic, electrical and magnetic fields research laboratory 

Following establishment of exhaustive postgraduate educations at IUST in different branches of Engineering, especially in Power and Electronics, since 1984, a number of enthusiastic, talented, studious and clever students were admitted. With serious cooperation from the university’s chairman and encouragements of the dean of Electrical Engineering college, Professor Shoulaie’s current laboratory inaugurated on January 9 in 1993.

 Nine Ph.D. and fifty-six M.Sc. students have defended their thesses on diverse fields , including Power Electronics (AC/DC, AC/AC, DC/AC and DC/DC converters), Electrical Machine Drive and Linear Machines (design, manufacturing and velocity control). More than three Ph.D. students and forty two M.Sc. students from IUST and other Iranian universities have defended their thesises on the HVDC national plan with Kv and HVAC with Kv. Amongst the works of students active in this laboraty, some 100 papers have been published in valid national and international journals as well as in internal and external conferences.

The prosperity of our students and their research affairs are the main objectives of this laboratory. Through the work and efforts of our department collegues and other relevant authority, we are optimistic and hopeful that our activities will assist the development of the country.


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Power Electronic and Electric,Magnetic fields Research Lab
Power Electronic and Electric,Magnetic fields Research Laboratory Tel : 77240491
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