SCaN Lab. Introduction:
Supercomputing and Networking (SCaN) is a research lab in ERC. Two research groups are working in this Lab including supercomputing research group and networking research group.
A) Supercomputing research group focuses on the following fields of research:
1) R-SCaN: Reconfigurable Computing (RC)
2) H-SCAN: High Performance Computing (HPC)
3) E-SCAN: Embedded System
4) A-SCAN: Approximate Computing
A 32-core parallel system is implemented in this group and various aspects in this test-bed are studied by researchers. Different topics such as task scheduling, task placement, load balancing, resource binding and resource management are approached in this research group.
B) Networking research group focuses on the following fields:
1) C-SCaN: Configuration Management
2) P- SCaN: Performance Management
3) F- SCaN: Fault Management
4) S- SCaN: Security Management
Students and Researchers:
In the past ten years, more than 50 Grad students and more than 30 Undergrad students have graduated, and 22 research assistants and students (PhD and MSc) have been actively involved in the lab. Several industrial and applied projects have also been conducted in the fields of SuperComputing and Networking.